Black Lives Matter Memo

This past week our country has heard the voices of its' people. People from every part of our nation and world have spoken out against racism and the murder of George Floyd.

In 1965, Los Angeles experienced the Watts riots and then again we experienced the Rodney King riots in 1992. We said that things would change, yet things have not.

We mourn the death of George Floyd and so many other Black community members including countless other people of color who have been killed or beaten because of the color of their skin.

We must learn from the past calls for justice and say that we will not forget this injustice and demand change from our elected officials and hold them accountable for not enacting changes and holding law enforcement accountable.

Demanding change of government is not enough as we must examine the anti-blackness that exists in our communities and in our own families. Change cannot be accomplished until we hold ourselves accountable in understanding the plight of the struggle of people who may not look like ourselves.

Our history will be determined not by what we say to create change but what we have done to create that change.

Together we have the opportunity to help write history. It is the time to act! It is time to raise our voice, engage and to VOTE. Our ballot and our voice are our weapon against injustice.

The Wall Las Memorias joins our community in saying that, Black Lives Matter.

God bless you and your loved ones.



Richard L. Zaldivar

Executive Director/Founder