Men's Group Meeting

Join us for an intimate and thought provoking connection on current men's issues every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM at The Wall Las Memorias Project Office, located at 5619 Monte Vista St., Los Angeles, CA 90042.
The discussion topic for this meeting is: HIV and Me - How has the epidemic affected you (directly or indirectly)?
Participants are challenged to create community through empowerment and encouraged to find common understanding in culture, sexuality, peer education and brotherhood. Be sure start preparing your devilish goodies for the October 27th Movie Night where we will be showing "The Rocky Horror Picture Show!"
Please contact David Flores at (323) 257-1056 ext. 32 or email [email protected]
October 20, 2015 at 7:30pm - 9pm
The Wall Las Memorias Project Office
5619 Monte Vista St
Los Angeles, CA 90042
United States
Google map and directions
David Flores · · (323) 257-1056 ext. 32
Victor Barillas rsvped 2015-10-20 15:53:58 -0700
Tim Roberts rsvped 2015-10-16 23:22:11 -0700