We are proud to announce the renovation of the Las Memorias AIDS Monument, the first AIDS monument of its kind in the nation.

As the AIDS epidemic continues to impact communities across the country the Las Memorias AIDS Monument in Lincoln Park (Los Angeles) continues to anchor the work of The Wall- Las Memorias Project in local communities and across the country.
The AIDS monument Renovation Project will be funded in part by Proposition A, the Sage Neighborhoods Park Tax that is set to expire in 2019. In March 2015, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion to initiate the Countywide Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment, which found The Wall Las Memorias AIDS Monument in dire need of rehabilitation. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor President Hilda Solis made this possible by including the request in her motion to allocate funding for priority parks projects for the First Supervisorial District.
In allocating the funds, Supervisor Solis expressed support of The Wall Las Memorias AIDS Monument as it is the only one of its kind in the nation and resides in the first supervisorial district of Los Angeles County. The monument has and will continue to serve as a catalyst for social change and as a place for our community to remember those who were lost to this epidemic that claimed so many lives.
The Wall las Memorias Project is now seeking a landscaping architect (see RFQ below) to meet with community members to assist in the new design, with construction projected to begin within the year. Additional funding will be sought to compete the $500,000 estimated worth of renovations. Los Angeles City Councilmember Gilbert Cedillo has pledged to seek additional funding for the project. In addition, the organization looks forward to reclaiming the $100,000 of a security deposit that was part of the initial payment of the monument's construction.
As part of its renovation, the site of the monument will seek anticipated improvements including new landscaping, updated irrigation systems, new pedestrian level lighting, security cameras, interpretive signage and landscape/walkway improvements.
The monument was originally dedicated on December 1st, 2004 in Lincoln Park before a crowd of more than 1,500 community members. It was designed by architect David Angelo and public artist Robin Brailsford. A community advisory board selected the site in 1993, based upon its rich cultural and artistic history with the Latino community and its proximity to the local AIDS Treatment Center at County USC Hospital, the Rand Schrader AIDS Clinic.
> Press Release: TWLMP AIDS Monument Renovation Funds Approved
> History of the Las Memorias AIDS Monument
> Request For Qualifications Application
> Press Release: TWLMP Selects Lead Architect
> 3D Renderings of Proposed Changes
> DONATE to the Renovation Project
For inquires about the project, please contact Erika Reyes at [email protected] or (323) 257-1056 ext. 29
For any press or media opportunities, please contact our Community Engagement Manager Andres Magaña at [email protected] or (323) 257-1056 ext. 28
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