The Wall Las Memorias AIDS Monument Defacement and Damaged

Each week, our dedicated staff inspects the monument, ensuring it remains clean and free of trash or graffiti. Unfortunately, we are no strangers to instances of graffiti defacement, but our team has consistently done an incredible job restoring the monument to its original state.

On Monday, January 13th, a client visiting the monument noticed that one of the memorial wall panels had been destroyed and immediately notified The Wall Las Memorias office.

This act of destruction deeply saddens us, as the monument stands as a sacred tribute to those lost to AIDS complications. It is particularly disheartening to witness such harm inflicted upon our community’s memorial during a time when all of Los Angeles County is facing immense challenges.

A police report has been filed, and we are committed to repairing the damage. We will ensure the names affected by this act are restored with the dignity they deserve. Despite this setback, we remain steadfast in our mission to honor those we have lost and to preserve this space of remembrance and reflection for our community.

We have reached out to District Council Member Jurado to request her support in enhancing security measures at Lincoln Park.

We will continue to move forward.