Stevie Barron

  • Celebrities to attend Boyle Heights' free Mental Health Awareness event Sunday

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, The Wall Las Memorias — a local community health and wellness organization dedicated to serving minority and underserved populations — will hold a free community event at its Boyle Heights hub on Sunday.

    The event is called "Honoring Our Women, Nurturing Our Soul" and aims to draw attention to mental health issues in the Latino and LGBTQ+ communities. [READ MORE

  • published Best Photos of May 2023 in TWLM in the News 2023-05-24 11:20:44 -0700

    Variety - Best Photos of May 2023

    Charo speaks at The Wall Las Memorias’ Honoring Our Women, Nurturing Our Soul event in Los Angeles on May 21. [Read More]

  • Fentanyl, a drug that is killing our community

    1,259 Latinos lost their lives in Los Angeles County from 2016 to 2021, not far from the 1,673 whites who perished during the same period [ Read More ]

  • published Honoring Our Women - Nurturing Our Soul in EVENTS 2023-04-25 16:22:22 -0700


    Join us in celebrating Latina women and their collective resilience in the face of COVID-19. This special event highlights the unique challenges faced by women and sheds light on the importance of prioritizing their mental health and well-being. Through guest speakers, panel discussions, and personal testimonies, the event aims to create a safe space for women to share their experiences and empower each other. 

    Food and entertainment will also be available to our guests. Tickets are limited. Please register before it's too late. This event is age restricted to 18 and over. 

    Event Location


    The Wall Las Memorias
    Boyle Heights HUB
    2020 E. 1st Street
    Los Angeles, CA 90033

    Parking is limited
    Be aware of posted signs

    1st Street (meter parking)
    S. Cummings St (2-hour parking & Street Parking)
    N. Cummings St (Street Parking)
    St. Louis (Street Parking)

    Special Guest Speakers


    beatriz adriana

    Beatriz Adriana

    Actress and Singer



    American music and pop culture icon


    Entertainment and Music


    When registering by phone or email, please include your First and Last name and phone number; someone will return your call to confirm your reservation. If you are reserving more than one ticket, please also include information on those attending.

    Tickets are limited, reserve now! No walk-ins must have RSVP. Must be 18 years or older.

  • Bell High School students warn of drug sales at their school

    “He was the best brother; He loved to play, sing and dance with the children, and if you needed anything, he was always willing to help anyone, ”says Benjamín Valdez, regarding his brother Joseph, who died of a cocaine overdose in 2020. .

    This is how Benjamin remembers his brother, who, he says, died by "accident" because no one tried to help him prevent drug use. [ Read More ]

  • Fentanilo, una de las peores crisis de drogas en el condado de Los Ángeles

    Fentanilo, metanfetaminas, xilocaína son nombres de opioides que conocen perfectamente los jóvenes y, aunque muchos los han probado, no todos viven para contar su historia porque han muerto, o porque sufrieron daño cerebral permanente como Jesús Tapia Gómez, de 24 años. [Read More]

  • published laopinion2023 in TWLM in the News 2023-03-24 09:41:19 -0700

    Una reforma a intermediarios es la mejor receta para bajar de precio a los medicamentos

    A medida que nuestro país está cada vez más fracturado, encontrar un terreno común puede resultar difícil. Una de las pocas cuestiones que cuenta con un amplio apoyo en todo el espectro político es la necesidad de reducir los costos que pagan los pacientes por sus recetas.

    [Read Full Article]

  • Safer WeHo Coalition giving out free fentanyl testing strips and naloxone for St. Patrick's Day


    As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, the Safer WeHo Coalition is taking action to ensure individuals have access to life-saving resources during a time of celebration and increased risk. On Saturday, March 18th, 2023, the coalition will be distributing free naloxone and fentanyl test strips at the “Make Your Own Luck” event in West Hollywood Park.

    [Read full article]

  • Health Organizations Distribute Fentanyl Test Strips and Narcan in WeHo’s Rainbow District

    The Institute for Public Strategies’ West Hollywood Project joined activists and members of health organizations like Being Alive Los Angeles, LGBT Center’s Trans Wellness Center, AHF, The Wall Las Memorias, APLA Health, Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (LA CADA), and Los Angeles Department of Public Health to distribute overdose prevention information and resources along with life-saving Fentanyl Test Strips and Naloxone nasal sprays. 

    To read the article please click here.

  • published 29th Annual Noche de las Memorias in TWLM in the News 2022-12-05 11:10:12 -0800

    29th Annual Noche de las Memorias

    The Wall Las Memorias commemorated World AIDS Day on Thursday night with its 29th annual Noche de Las Memorias at the AIDS Monument in Lincoln Park. The event was free and open to the public. Event organizers said beforehand that it “will be a time for healing, remembrance and action and will include prayer, song and testimony.”

    Read full article at Los Angeles Times - Click Here


  • published ndlm2022 in NOCHE DE LAS MEMORIAS 2022-11-07 10:32:05 -0800



    We invite you to join us on Thursday, December 1st at 6:30 PM for the 29thAnnual Noche de Las Memorias. 

    NOCHE DE LAS MEMORIAS is our signature World AIDS Day community event dedicated to remembering the lives and memories of those we have lost to the AIDS epidemic. This year, with an expected turnout of approximately 600 guests, Noche de las Memorias will feature Aztec Dancers, Choir, testimonials from family members, and will honor a prominent member of our community (tbc).  The evening will culminate in a candle lighting ceremony and procession through the Monument in commemoration of the national awareness day.


    Twenty-nine years ago, on World AIDS Day, The Wall Las Memorias was founded to support the Latino community in its fight against HIV and AIDS. We have spent every day of those 29 years organizing and mobilizing community, advocating for resources, and serving marginalized communities of color throughout Los Angeles.

    As an anchor of its mission, in 2004, The Wall Las Memorias built the only publicly funded AIDS monument in the country. Today, the organization has 7 areas of focus that support 25 distinct programs providing health prevention services, substance use, mental health prevention, and leadership development to the expanding underserved, Latino/Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities across LA. Our community engagement model, Act Now Against Meth, is one of only ten programs to be recognized and published by the National Academy of Medicine as a model to provide community engagement as a solution for societal ills. The result of this and all our programs is stronger families and safer neighborhoods.

    With the real possibility of eliminating HIV in the United States, community-based organizations like The Wall Las Memorias are hard at work making the national slogan of "Getting to Zero and Staying at Zero" a reality. As of 2018, almost 50,000 Angelenos are living with HIV and 1,600 are newly diagnosed annually. Our work is far from over and now more than ever, we need your help to end the epidemic. To continue this momentum of community safety and wide-spread healthcare, we need your support.



    >> Register on Eventbrite (Now Open)



    Laura Diaz

    Mistress of Ceremony
    Journalist KTTV 11

    Vivian Kukiel


    Mario Bryant


    Special Performances by: YANKUITITL 
    Aztec Dancers
    Mariachi Jalisco ¡Sí Señor!
    Leader: Carlos Parraguirre
      Manuel Sanchez




  • published TrunkrTreat in EVENTS 2022-09-07 11:29:08 -0700





    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 - 5PM - 8PM

    Contests | Prizes | Treats | Live Music | Vendors 
    Pop-Up Vaccine Clinic | Covid-19 | Flu Shot | Monkeypox

    Join in on the fun with a costume and pumpkin painting contest, prizes by Monster-a-Go Go. Six community partners trunks filled with spooky fun treats and ghoulish themes for family fun!  



    Covid-19 Vaccine, Flu Shot, and Monkeypox Vaccine
    Walk-in's Welcomed*

    Walk-in's available only for Covid-19 and Flu shot.
    Monkeypox vaccine requires appointment

    To Pre-Register Contact:
    Mari Mercado - 323.257.1056 Ex 44




    GB logo

    Come meet the Los Angeles Ghostbusters Team!

    Ghostbusters Team



    The Wall Las Memorias Boyle Heights HUB Parking Lot

    2020 E. 1ST STREET, LOS ANGELES, CA 90033

    Brought to you by 










    Don't miss out on free goodies for this festive Halloween event.

    All ages welcomed!

    Click Here to R.S.V.P you and your family!





  • published Rooted and Rising in EVENTS 2022-05-06 17:49:23 -0700

    Rooted and Rising


    Rooted and Rising invites youth and their families for an afternoon of advocacy and leadership skills building in a safe space!


    Saturday, May 14th from 2-6 PM


    Plaza de la Raza - Lincoln Park

    3540 N. Mission Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90031


    register here



    Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles stands the first publicly funded AIDS Monument. Rooted in courage, compassion, and the need for change, The Wall Las Memorias AIDS Monument stands as a symbol of community rising. The Rooted and Rising Community Health Fair aims to encourage health, wellness, and advocacy in the youth of today, tomorrow, and generations to come.

    The Rooted and Rising Community Health Fair invites you to come cultivate a safe space for all youth and family to nurture and nourish in community. Join us at Plaza de La Raza and get to know all the resources available to you and your loved ones while you enjoy free community workshops aimed to foster your well-being and deliver a different perspective on what Health is all about. Health encompasses the nurturing of your education, mental health, and leadership skills so that the self can give back to the community through restorative and impactful policy.




    Heart and Soul Yoga with Brandy Rametta

    Sexual Education Workshop with More than Sex Ed

    Narcan Training with CHPLA

    Healthy Relationships with ELAWC

    Workforce Development Training with TWLM Robert Gomez

    Advocacy 101 with Richard Zaldivar

    AAPI Anti-Hate Workshop

    Substance Abuse Prevention Writing Session

    and more!




    To RSVP for the Rooted & Rising Free Community Health Fair, please click below:

    register here



    For the purpose of The Wall Las Memorias Rooted and Rising Free Community Health Fair at Plaza de la Raza at 3540 N Mission Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90031 on May 14, 2022.

    For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby grant The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) permission to use my likeness in a photography in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to all of The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM)'s printed and digital publications. I understand and agree that any photograph using my likeness will become property of The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) and will not be returned.

    I acknowledge that since my participation with The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) is voluntary, I will receive no financial compensation.

    I hereby irrevocably authorize The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM)'s programs or for any other related, lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising out of, or related to, the use of the photograph.

    I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.



    Please have Parent/ Guardian Sign and Submit Form Below:

    Minor Media Release Form

    ***By registering for event you are acknowledging that you have read and accepted our media release form above. If you are 17 and younger please submit release form signed by parent/ guardian ***

  • signed up on Join 2020-05-13 17:57:59 -0700

    Join The Wall Las Memorias

    Sign up below and receive the latest information/news on The Wall Las Memorias. For more information on how you or your organization can get involve, contact our Outreach Coordinator - Stevie Barron, [email protected]

    Sign up to be a Volunteer


    eddie and volunteer city hall
    Engage in
    Public Health

    Participate in Events


    The Wall Las Memorias (TWLM) provides a diverse community where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can connect based on shared passions for community service. Participants have the chance to gain experience and explore career opportunities in sectors such as public health and community organizing.

    Check the Volunteer box if you're interested in volunteering with The Wall Las Memorias. Our Volunteer Coordinator will get back to you within 72 hours. Thank you!